Sunday, July 31, 2011

Culture Shock

It wasn't until I got on the boat on the Yangtze River that I realized that I truly had culture shock. It was partially because of the food, where it was a lack of meat, and when there was meat we were never sure what kind it truly was. Also that the food was prepared so differently, like a whole skin (and head) on chicken in a pot of soup. I had a challenging time finding food to eat other than rice. Another thing that contributed to the culture shock was the fact that I couldn't understand the language and the signs. All the other places I have traveled to speak English and have English signs. I felt so out of the loop and uninformed. It also didn't help that I am not a big fan of cities. In China, no matter where you go there are tall buildings. Whether the city is large or not that is simply how they build their towns. It is not what I have ever experienced so I felt really closed in. With time though it got a lot better, especially after I acknowledged the fact that I was experiencing culture shock.

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