Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I'm going to start this blog off by saying sorry that it has taken me so long to put these up. My house is currently in the process of getting AC and during the last week and a half when the heat wave hit, we had two rooms that were moderately cool. I was in no mood to do anything but stay cool, which was challenging to do at times. Hopefully I will be back to writing these and finishing my traveling tales soon.

While we were in Wuhan we got to see a seminary that is in the city. It was very run down and sad because it was in terrible conditions when compared with schools that I am used to seeing. We also got to talk to three students who are Christians living in the Wuhan area. It was surprising to hear that for them no one knows that they are Christian. They are afraid to tell anyone unless they know that they can trust them 100%. I can't imagine being afraid of others knowing that I am Christian. Afterward we had a bit of opportunity to spend more time with the students. Oddly enough, we taught one of them how to play ninja, and surprise surprise, he was good at it.

Later that night, we were on our own for dinner and a few off us wanted to just have a chill dinner. We decided that we would just go to the grocery store next door and get noodle bowls. That was a big adventure. Chinese people love spicy food, I don't. Only two or three of the types of bowls had any English on the packaging. I was lucky in that I got a non spicy beef bowl while the three others I was with all got spicier bowls. We also had fun finding crackers to go with that were not necessarily meat flavored. I have a theory that since meat is rare and expensive there, people enjoy meat flavored things instead because they are cheaper. It's still strange to me though.

The next morning we took a plane flight to Chongqing where we boarded the boat for our Yangtze river cruise.

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