Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Only one more month!

So I went in to the bank today to apply for a credit card and to exchange my dollars for rand and I realized... there is pretty much only one more month until we leave. For me this is both petrifying and exciting. Petrifying because I feel like there is so much to do for school before the semester ends. why do teachers do that? It's like they all have a convention together and agree that since it's the end of the semester they should all just pile everything on the students so that they get freaked out just before finals. You would think that having a midterm one week before the class final would also be a silly thing to do, but apparently not. I'm also scared that we are leaving so soon because there is still a lot to do for China and South Africa before we leave. On the other hand I am so excited to be there and to learn more about the people and the culture. Traveling is so much fun and the fact that I get to go with 15 people is going to make it awesome.

By the way to my lovely readers... I apologize for my awkwardness and inability to write a super interesting blog. I personally blame it on my Computer science nerdiness (<-- random laugh my spell check wanted to change that to neediness). Any way, I contribute my inexperience to the fact that in IT (or CSE as it is now called) we don't usually have to write papers or express these strange things called feelings *gasp*. Soooo these will probably just be structured like my brain for a while... in other words it will be random and at times probably make no sense what the flow is. But bear (or is it bare???) with me and I will do my best to not kill your brain cells.

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