Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day one!!

Late last night we arrived in Cape Town!! It was interesting the weather here is similar to the early spring weather in MN (wet and around 50 degrees) but there are palm trees. Also the drive to our lodge was interesting in that when driving we passed both nicer buildings as well as the shacks in the townships. Today we actually got to drive around downtown Capetown. Some parts were really nice and ritzy and then there were others that were more middle class. It won't be until next Sunday when we leave for the townships that we get to see the full extent of the poverty.

One really nice thing that Alan and Jane, our guides here in South Africa, did for us was to buy us samosas. We got both minced meat and vegetarian. They were so delicious!! When we were eating them someone joked that they looked like donuts. That ended up giving Alan another idea and he went back in the restaurant we got the samosas at and got us some cooked sisters. They are an islamic treat that are similar to mokey bread. They are a dense cinnamon bread with a sweet cinnamon carmely coating. They were amazing and actually reminded me of churros.

Now we have some free time so some of us are at an internet cafe near our lodge. I think that this might actually be cheaper than using my computer at the lodge but I'm not sure, all I know is that I have the wrong plug converter, along with half of the rest of the people with me, so we can't charge our computers. Later tonight we are having an authentic South African dinner and night of music. I am super excited for that. Though at this time I don't think that there is anything that I am not excited for, my group is great and I can tell I am going to continue to have fun.

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