Saturday, May 28, 2011

Until we meet again...

Today was an early morning that started with a two and a half hour drive to the Inverdoorn Game Reserve where we went on a safari! On the safari we saw wildebeests, lions, springbok, zebras, giraffes, and cheetahs, to name a few. It was so exciting!! Especially the cheetahs, they were adorable!! The only part that was not wonderful was that it was chilly and windy. When we were done we were all freezing and crowded around the fire that they had going at the lodge.

Once we got back to where we are staying, we got the afternoon to relax. For the most part we have all been chilling in the dining area doing assignments or going through pictures. We also had a brief talk about our reactions so far during dinner. We also discussed our reservations about going to the townships tomorrow. We will be there for almost a week. At one point Brittany said that one thing that she was worried about was seeing the kids who are living in the townships. The conditions there are never something that a child should be exposed to. Even driving past the squatter areas of the towns we have been in has been challenging. Spending long times in a real township, which is so much bigger than the squatter camps, is going to be hard. I am having a hard time knowing that I will be helpless in doing what I want to do for the families. I will have to accept that the best I can do is to spend time with the kids and give them what they ask of me. I need to see what they need not what I think that they need. In the end these are two very different things.

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