Thursday, May 26, 2011

Penguinsand Bonding!!

Today was pretty awesome. We skipped the lecture for today and took a journey to Boulder Beach to see the penguins!!! They were so adorable and the pictures were not at all representative of how adorable they were. Then we got to go to Cape Point which is the most south westerly point in Africa. That was gorgeous and we got to see baboons on the road there. The only not great thing was that we got to hike up a mile long steep path to get to the lighthouse on the point. But I made it successfully and survived. Now we have time to chill out until dinner when we are meeting with a leader from here in Cape Town.

Yesterday was also an eventful day. We spent the morning talking about the history of Cape Town. After that we went to the Castle of Good Hope, the Slave Museum, and the District 6 Museum. Those were really fun and I learned a ton about the history of Cape Town.

Another great thing that has happened so far is that the people that I have been traveling with have become a lot more comfortable with one another. Last night we all got together and asked different questions that everyone in the group had to answer. The questions ranged from religious beliefs to last (ideal) date. We learned so much about one another, it was so fun. I hope that this continues despite the fact that there are two separate personality types of people in our group here.

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